Campus Outreach & Training

CPS counselors provide skills-based consultations, workshops, training and other outreach events on a variety of topics throughout the academic year. You can also submit questions about our policies or general mental health and we will answer them.

Skills-Based Consultations

These 60-minute individual sessions with a CPS Counselor will focus on a specific area of mental health and well-being. You choose the topic that you would like to learn how to manage better, and during the live session, a Counselor with expertise in that topic area will share empirically supported strategies that will help you function better. These consultations are open to all students, regardless of location.

Current topics available include:

  • Coping with imposter syndrome
  • Coping with panic attacks
  • Coping with social anxiety
  • Coping with trauma symptoms and PTSD
  • Developing a healthier relationship with news/social media
  • Exploring how your alcohol and/or cannabis use impacts your life (BASICS session with an HPPS provider)
  • Grounding Skills/Distress toleranceHealthier sleep habits
  • Improving procrastination
  • Interpersonal effectiveness/Having challenging conversations
  • Making/Breaking habits
  • Mindfulness Practice
  • Overcoming perfectionism

To schedule your Skills-Based Consultation, just make a brief initial consultation appointment by calling CPS at 609-258-3141 or via the MyUHS online portal.  A Counselor will help you get set up with your Skills-Based Consultation and answer any questions you may have. 

If you are already seeing a Counselor at CPS, talk to them about your interest in a Skills-Based Consultation and they will help you get set up. 


Our educational mental health workshops are interactive and tailored to your needs. Students can request a workshop on behalf of their student group, residence hall, or eating club. Staff and faculty can also request workshops for their department or calls. We cover topics related to mental health and wellness, including:

  • Depression screenings
  • Eating disorders
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Sleep issues
  • Sports psychology
  • Stress

Princeton Distress Awareness and Response Training

For students, faculty and staff, we offer Princeton Distress Awareness and Response (PDAR) trainings. PDAR is an interactive session that teaches you how to recognize signs of distress in students and gives you the tools to effectively respond in these situations.  Faculty and staff may request a workshop for their Department or their office to assist them in their work with students. Learn more about how to recognize and respond to students in distress. 

We also have a peer-to-peer version of PDAR for students who want to learn about how best to recognize signs of distress in their friends and effectively support them.

Outreach Events 

We offer additional outreach events, including mindfulness sessions, guest speakers and drop-in counseling hours. Most outreach events are open to students, faculty and staff; just check the events calendar for upcoming events and stop by. 

MindWise on Campus

One of the most important things we can do to make our community safer is to look out for one another.  We want to make sure you have the skills to intervene when you notice someone who could be in mental health distress. MindWise on Campus is a 30-minute simulation that trains students how to recognize warning signs of another student’s psychological distress, and how to use motivational interviewing to build trust and motivate the student to seek help. 

To access the simulation,  

  1. Visit and click "Create Account".
  2. Enter your name, email address, and chosen password. Click "Create". 
  3. Enter the redemption code princeton and click "Next". 
  4. View the dashboard and choose MindWise on Campus for Individuals

Q&A with CPS

We want to provide you the opportunity to have your questions about Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS)' services or policies answered. Questions submitted via this form can be answered individually (direct reply via email) or publicly via our updated Q&A document. Ask us your questions now!

Request a Workshop or Training

To request a workshop or training, complete a request form.