Specialized Treatment

Interdisciplinary teams of healthcare professionals work together to treat students with special treatment needs. Specialized treatment teams also provide consultation to others on campus, including faculty, administrators, coaches, parents, or friends who may be concerned about a student. We offer the following specialized treatment teams:

To be connected with a member of a specialized treatment team, call Counseling and Psychological Services at 609-258-3141.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Treatment Team

UHS physicians, counselors, and nurse practitioners on the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Treatment Team can assist you to:

  • better understand your use of alcohol or other drugs;
  • address alcohol or other drug dependency;
  • deal more effectively with social pressure to use alcohol; or
  • discuss concerns about friends, roommates, or family members.

AOD team members provide students with assessment, short-term individual counseling, and referral to private therapists, treatment programs, and groups. The AOD team also offers consultation to University staff and faculty members.

Eating Concerns Team

UHS has a multidisciplinary team of providers who specialize in the treatment of eating concerns, body image, and/or disordered eating. This team – which includes psychologists, a psychiatrist, physicians, a clinical dietitian, two sports dietitians, and certified athletic trainer provide the following services to students who are struggling with a range of eating and body image concerns and symptoms:

  • Confidential medical and psychological evaluation
  • Short-term individual counseling
  • Comprehensive and individualized medical care 
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Referral to private therapists or more intensive treatment, when needed 

The Eating Concerns Team is also available to consult with those who are concerned about a student. Team members are involved in outreach and educational activities on campus related to eating concerns, nutrition, and body image. 

Emotion Management Team

The Emotion Management (EM) Team evaluates and supports students presenting with If you are a student struggling with chronically unstable moods and behaviors. Composed of counselors specialized in treating emotion dysregulation through mindfulness and dialectical behavior therapy-informed treatment,, the team offers:

  • Confidential psychological evaluation
  • Individual counseling
  • Group skills training in mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness
  • Psychiatric treatment
  • Referrals to private therapists or intensive treatment, when needed

The EM team also provides outreach and workshops focused on teaching skills to improve dysregulation, mindfulness, distress, and interpersonal effectiveness.

Mind-Body Team

The Mind-Body Team can support you in applying a holistic approach, one that emphasizes the connection between mind and body, to treating and preventing both physical and psychological disorders. The counselors and physicians on this team assist students with emotional and/or physical concerns with mind-body interventions including:

  • Meditation
  • Relaxation
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Mindfulness

The Mind-Body Team collaborates with campus partners and can also refer you to additional resources for ongoing participation in mind-body programming.


Committed to improving the mental health and well-being of student-athletes, the TIGERSPAW Team, composed of physicians, counselors, and athletic trainers, provides the following to student-athletes:

  • Assessments
  • Short-term treatment of mental health and performance-related issues
  • Referral services 

This team collaborates with the Department of Athletics to enhance the effectiveness of interventions. TIGERSPAW can also provide your team and campus athletic group with specialized outreach and psychoeducation workshops on topics such as depression and substance abuse.