Peer Health Advisers (PHAs)

Group photo PHAs
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Peer Health Advisers (PHAs) are an on-campus group of student volunteers, who are supervised by HPPS staff and:

  • serve as contacts for students seeking support,
  • provide referrals to UHS and other wellness-related campus resources,
  • stimulate awareness of and decrease stigma around health issues by implementing health promotion programs,
  • work to reduce disparities in health and wellness outcomes, and
  • help students to navigate UHS' services.

PHAs are knowledgeable about a wide variety of health issues, including:

  • alcohol and other substances
  • mental health
  • nutrition
  • physical fitness
  • sexual and reproductive health
  • sleep
  • stress

PHAs facilitate health-related programming on campus, including the Safer Sexpo, Ask the Sexpert column and mental health screenings. 

Who Are the PHAs?

Get Connected

Contact a PHA in your residential college or explore our bios to find a PHA who shares similar interests or lived experiences.

How to Get Involved

The application deadline for the 2024-2025 cohort has passed.

If you have questions or to be notified about when next year's recruitment, please email the staff adviser, Janine Mascari, MPH, CHES.