Contact a PHA

There are Peer Health Advisers affiliated with your residential college who are here for you to answer any questions you have, to support you in your health and wellness goals, or to help you navigate UHS' services. 

How to get connected


You can reach out directly to a PHA in your college or one who shares interests or experiences that align with yours (see bios, below).

Sign up for a Wellness Chat

Wellness Chats are 10-45 minute casual conversations about any health- or wellness-related topic. We can recommend advice, put you in touch with campus resources and, of course, just listen. You choose the place, and we’ll be there.

Click the Calendly link in individual PHAs' bios to sign up, or email a PHA to directly get in contact with them.

PHA Bios

To learn more about each PHA, including their affiliations, areas of expertise and interests, see their complete profiles below.
