Pre-Participation Physical Exams

Our pre-participation physical exam (PPE) is required for varsity and club rugby student-athletes prior to participating in any athletic activities. This is separate from the physical exam and completed Medical Clearance form (.pdf), required for all incoming Princeton University students.

If you have any significant medical or surgical history (e.g., heart murmur, dizziness, notes from musculoskeletal evaluation, operative/surgical notes, MRI, x-ray or other test reports), you must upload records to MyUHS before arriving on campus. We may require copies of surgical consultations and diagnostic test results for clearance. Special sport populations may benefit from recommended (not required) anemia screening

See requirements for:

First-Year Student-Athletes

Prior to the PPE, you are required to:

The Princeton University Athletic Medicine PPE includes:

  • a complete physical examination by a UHS clinician;
  • cardiac screening through history, physical exam, and electrocardiogram (EKG); and
    • If EKG is interpreted as abnormal, additional cardiac testing will be required with possible associated fees for this service.
  • baseline concussion testing.

Returning Student-Athletes

Prior to the PPE, you are required to:

Walk-on Students (per coach invitation)

You must first have a conversation with and be invited by the coach to participate in a try out period. The following is required: 

After a try out period, a pre-participation physical exam must be completed. 

Additional information about the importance of these screening tests