Required and Recommended Immunizations

Required Immunizations

Several immunizations are required by the state of New Jersey and the University for all enrolled students. If you have not received the required vaccines, you can receive them at UHS once you are eligible for services. If a student does not receive a required immunization before arrival and receives a required vaccine at UHS, they will be charged a fee.

Vaccination-related Holds

If your required vaccination records have not been submitted by the deadline, you may experience future holds in Tigerhub and enrollment processes. 

It may take up to 72 hours to release a vaccination hold so please do not delay in meeting the vaccination requirement. If you have questions about your ability to receive required vaccinations by the deadline, please email [email protected] to discuss your options. 

Print a handout (.pdf) of this information to give to your primary care provider. 

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination series is available at Sexual Health and Wellness

Recommended Immunization

These vaccines are not required for enrollment. However, they are recommended for certain people and are all available at UHS (excluding the COVID vaccine booster, which can be obtained at a local pharmacy).

Exemptions from requirements

If certain immunizations are contraindicated due to a medical condition, you may be exempt from immunization requirements. You will need to submit a signed statement of medical exemption from your primary care provider to [email protected].  

You may also be exempt from immunizations due to your religious beliefs. In this case, you should submit an Application for Exemption from Immunization, explaining how immunizations conflict with your religious beliefs. Email [email protected] to request the application.

UHS highly recommends that students with immunization exemptions submit results of titers (blood tests to determine immunity) for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella. Students who do not do so, or whose results do not show that they have immunity, may be temporarily excluded from classes, residence halls, and any sponsored activities on campus in the event of a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or threatened outbreak.

Uploading documentation

For commonly asked questions on completing your immunization requirements and providing documentation, see our FAQ on Completing Immunization and Health History for Incoming Students.