Aug. 11, 2022 UHS is ready to respond to students' needs around MPX (monkeypox) We recognize that the emergence of MPX (monkeypox) both in the United States and globally is a major concern. Though anyone of any identity can contract MPX, we also know that right now queer, gay, bi and other cisgender men who have sex with men as well as trans women and sex workers of all genders are experiencing the brunt of this emergence. Our geographic and social proximity to NYC (the current epicenter of MPX in the U.S.) has the potential to increase exposure, as well as anxiety. We also recognize that we have students who regularly commute from New York and Philadelphia, which are more densely populated areas. Our Health Resources page on MPX has lots of info on symptoms, vaccination, and recommendations to assist you in caring for yourself and others at social gatherings and when sexually active with others, among other topics. We want to assure you that University Health Services is currently ready to respond if or when MPX impacts any students on our campus. Medical Services at UHS has protocols in place for students who call with concerns over potential exposure or with symptoms/signs of infection. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for medical care by calling us at 609-258-3141. Emotional support is also available through Counseling and Psychological Services at UHS, and through the Gender + Sexuality Resource Center. Reviewed 9/22/22