Opting-Out of SHP

If you are an undergraduate student, you may opt-out of the Student Health Plan if you have a private insurance plan that meets the Coverage Requirements.  

A new opt-out election must be made every year, even if there were no insurance changes from the prior year. Opt-out elections are accepted during the annual open enrollment period in May-June.  After the enrollment period has ended, opt-out elections will only be considered if there was an eligible Qualifying Life Event. If there is no Qualifying Life Event, you may opt-out during the next annual open enrollment period.

Opt-Out Instructions

To make an opt-out election, log into MyUHS and complete the Required Health Insurance Election form. Then upload the front and back of your insurance card through MyUHS.  Out-out elections without a corresponding insurance card will be denied.

Plans Not Accepted for SHP Opt-Out

  • HMO plans, Kaiser plans, Medicaid, Medicare, and traveler’s plans
  • Plans that are not issued in the United States or do not have a U.S.-based claims administrator/telephone number/address
  • Plans that exceed the annual out-of-pocket maximum of $9,450/individual plan or $18,900/family plan (per ACA, as of 2024)
  • Any other plan that does not meet the coverage requirements (review Coverage Requirements Checklist for Student Health Plan Waiver (.docx))

Access to UHS Services

All students, regardless of whether they enroll in the SHP or remain on private insurance, are fully eligible for all services provided at University Health Services. Insurance is required for services not offered by UHS, such as specialty care and hospitalization. It is also required for laboratory services provided at University Health Services, which is independently operated by Quest Diagnostics. If you plan to retain private insurance, please check with your insurance carrier to see if Quest Diagnostics is an in-network provider.