UHS relies on the financial support of families and community members for medical equipment, educational programs, and other health-related expenses. To show your support, make a gift to the Auxiliary to the Isabella McCosh Infirmary, which has been supporting UHS for over 100 years. You can choose to be involved at these suggested membership levels: Types of Membership Amount* Special Gift $1000 Life $500 Contributing $250 Sustaining $100 Associate $50 *All donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law. Make a Gift To make a gift online, copy “Direct this donation to the Auxiliary to the Isabella McCosh Infirmary – 50515-B0532” into the comments field. To make a gift by check, direct the payment to “The Auxiliary”, and mail to: The Auxiliary P.O. Box 81 Princeton, NJ 08542 Thank you for helping to enhance health services for the students. Your gift truly makes a difference!